
How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Oral Health

Matching the shades of the implants or the process of teeth whitening.

Most people seek cosmetic dentistry services to improve their smile. However, cosmetic dentistry goes beyond helping you improve the aesthetics of your teeth and smile, preventing gum diseases, and doing away with pain and discomfort caused by misaligned bites.

At Dalton Dental, we want to help you maintain the best smile and improve oral health with our cosmetic dentistry services in Tampa, FL. Our professional services are performed by Dr. Hilary Dalton, who is board-certified in periodontics, laser proficiency, microsurgery, and Invisalign. Keep reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how it can improve oral health.

What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Mean?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that aims at improving dental appearance. It includes several procedures, with common options such as fillings, veneers, dental bonding, and more. Cosmetic dentistry differs from restorative dentistry treatment, which focuses on improving the functionality of your teeth rather than on improving dental aesthetics.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There are various types of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Each option treats specific dental issues, takes varying timelines to be completed, and achieves unique results. Here’s a breakdown of some cosmetic dentistry procedures you can pursue:

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening involves various procedures to make the teeth appear whiter and brighter. This includes bleaching, sanding down stains, use of special toothpaste, and ultraviolet light therapy. It’s best to consult your dentist about which whitening option will help you achieve your aesthetic needs.


This is an intensive cosmetic dentistry procedure where the dentist attaches crews to the jaw to support an implant inserted into the bone socket of a missing tooth. Over time, the implant fuses to jaw bone and tissues, permanently securing it and ensuring it blends with the surrounding teeth.


Invisalign is a clear removable dental brace used to align crooked teeth. The process uses a perfectly engineered plastic form of dental braces custom to your dental formula and appearance.

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a cosmetic procedure for treating gum recession or thinning gums. Your cosmetic dentist would recommend gum grafting to cover exposed teeth caused by receding gum by adding tissues from the palate and covering the affected area.

Gum Lift

A gum lift is a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess gum tissues from an excessive gingival display or an uneven gum line to create a uniform smile.

Oral Health and Other Benefits

Cosmetic dentistry can help you improve your oral health in various ways. Some of these ways include:

Improving Your Bite 

Anyone with a misaligned bite tends to favor one side of the mouth and use the other to chew or bite. This can cause detrimental wear on the favored side. However, by fixing this with cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers and Invisalign, you can improve your bite and chew and maintain even pressure on both sides of your mouth.

Creating Stronger Teeth

Getting a crown to treat cracked or chipped teeth strengthens them and prevents further breakage. This also prevents bacteria from accessing your damaged teeth and causing infections.

Fix Misalignment-Related Issues

An extensive underbite or overbite can cause many oral problems like grinding teeth, tooth decay, and severe headaches. However, cosmetic dentistry procedures like Invisalign help align your teeth and eliminate the pain.

Prevent Gum Disease and Tooth Decay 

Crooked teeth are difficult to clean, especially if bunched too close together. This may cause tooth decay. Therefore, cosmetic procedures like Invisalign can significantly save you from oral diseases associated with failure to brush your teeth.

A Better Smile For You

Cosmetic dentistry undoubtedly offers many more benefits to your oral health besides improving your dental appearance. It’s much easier to achieve these benefits with the help of a reputable cosmetic dentist. Dr. Hillary Dalton brings loads of experience in cosmetics and family dentistry, backed by multiple awards and recognitions over the last fifteen years. With a dedication to delivering exceptional cosmetic treatment, you can rest assured that the best dental services in Tampa, FL, and its surroundings. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.


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Can You Get Veneers With Crooked Teeth?


In most cases, braces and modern approaches like Invisalign have been the go-to solution to straighten crooked teeth. However, with advancements in modern dentistry, veneers have become a suitable option for teeth straightening. While this may seem surprising, using veneers with crooked teeth guarantees excellent results and does away with the braces, which can make you feel self-conscious and critical about your appearance.

You need to know several things about using veneers on crooked teeth. For instance, they only work if the teeth are slightly crooked and you have no underlying dental issues. Keep reading to learn more about veneers, whether they can work on crooked teeth, and how to determine if they’re right for you.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shell-like ceramic materials fitted over the surface of teeth to conceal stains, cracks, and other dental imperfections. They are custom-made to match the nature of your cracked tooth, gaps, or chipping. Dentists bond them in place using a dental adhesive to create a permanent enhancement.

Veneers come in different types: composite, porcelain, non-prep, and removable options. Composite veneers conceal minor cosmetic issues, while porcelain addresses various forms of imperfection, and non-prep veneers require less enamel removal. You can put and remove removable veneers or Snap-on veneers anytime.

The procedure involves using small drill bits to remove nickel from the tooth structure, allowing the adhesive to bond to the new material on your teeth and creating a permanent solution that mimics your teeth.

Can Veneers Work for Crooked Teeth?

Yes. Veneers for crooked teeth can work, but there are several factors you need to know to ensure this procedure is effective. Generally, veneers on crooked teeth are suitable for people with minor alignment issues and have a healthy bite. It’s also ideal for people who are not experiencing any pain or discomfort and have no underlying dental problems.

It’s crucial to note that veneers don’t entirely work in treating crooked teeth. It only helps conceal your crooked teeth rather than treat your crooked teeth. That’s why it’s suited for people with minor crooked teeth who are comfortable with their appearance and want to avoid the extra hassle of constant orthodontic appointments or discomfort from braces.

Veneers for crooked teeth can last between 15 and 20 years, but it depends on how well you care for them and avoid harmful habits like biting on hard items.

How Can I Know if Veneers Are Right for My Teeth?

Veneers are suitable for people with minor misaligned or misshapen teeth. It’s recommended to consult your dentist on whether you need veneers for your crooked teeth since you may need to reduce the size of your teeth and use crowns to achieve the perfect result.

Your dentist should also perform a detailed assessment of your malocclusion and explain potential risks that may result. For complex or severe misalignment, pursuing other treatment options like Invisalign is advisable.

You can also use veneers for crooked teeth if you’re sure you’ll follow the recommended oral care regimens, such as flossing, brushing, and regularly visiting your dentist. You should also use a non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid using teeth whitening products. Finally, you may also consider veneers on crooked teeth if you have excellent periodontal health, good overall health, and adequate healthy tooth enamel.

See Your Smile Shine!

Veneers have long been used to treat cracked or chipped, but it’s a suitable option for treating crooked teeth. It’s best to consult your dentist to determine whether this procedure will help you. At Dalton Dental, we’re ready to help you evaluate your dental issue and carefully decide whether veneers are the best treatment for crooked teeth. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Dental Implants Restoration


Dental Implants: Are They Right for You?

You have several options to consider when replacing your missed or damaged teeth. However, one option that stands above the rest is a dental implant. It guarantees more benefits compared with options like dentures and bridges. Knowing whether dental implants are a suitable tooth replacement for you can be challenging despite its advantages.

You need to learn various aspects about it, from its definition, how long the dental implants last, what you need to do if you need to restore your dental implant, and more. Find out more about these in this informative article from Dalton Dental.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that dentists surgically install into the jaw using screw-like devices. The dentist inserts the dental implant into your jawbone to anchor the artificial tooth or crown. The tooth and implant are then connected using a device called the abutment. The crown can be custom-made to fit your mouth and match your teeth naturally. They also feel and function similarly to natural teeth.

Dental implant options vary from one implant to four and multiple teeth. Depending on what you choose, dental implants are a life-changing tooth replacement option that helps people with missing teeth regain their confidence with a comfortable, excellent, long-lasting tooth replacement alternative.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants last between 10 to 30 years. Therefore, depending on the age you choose to get them, you can have them for a lifetime. There’s no other tooth replacement option that could last for that long.

Dental implants last long due to their design and material. The entire implant consists of a crown (what we see from the outside), an abutment, and the implant root. The implant root is made from titanium with ridges that are surgically screwed into the jaw bone. The titanium is biocompatible, allowing it to fuse with the bone a few days after the dental implant procedure to create a stable foundation for the crown. This process is referred to as osseointegration. It may take a few months, but once the implant root fuses and bonds with the bone, it will last many years.

Please note that dental implants last based on the steps you take to maintain them. Some of the basic maintenance practices include the following:

  • Brushing and flossing your teeth
  • Visiting the dentist at least every six months
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Living a healthy lifestyle

What Can I Do If I Need My Dental Implants Restored?

If you need a dental implant restoration, you should first schedule a consultation with your general dentist. This will help you evaluate your issue and determine whether you should get a dental implant restoration. Your initial consultation will also help the dentist decide whether or not you need a bone grafting procedure if you have notable bone loss or if there’s any periodontal disease that needs treatment before starting the dental implant restoration process.

These steps will help you prepare for your dental implant restoration:

  • Plan the procedure at a time you know will allow convenient recovery
  • Shop for soft foods that are easy to eat beforehand
  • Find ways to relax before the procedure
  • Avoid eating anything before the procedure
  • Arrive early for the appointment

Dental Implant Restoration in Tampa

A dental implant restoration offers the perfect way to restore your appearance and maintain good oral health. It also provides benefits like longevity and fits naturally to your mouth like your teeth.

Are you looking for a reliable dental clinic in Tampa, FL, for your dental implant restoration? Dalton Dental is here to help. We offer a unique dental implant restoration process known as mini dental implants. This process is less invasive, faster, and hurts less than the standard procedure. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Knowing When to Seek Emergency Dental Care


With so many dental concerns, knowing which is an emergency can be challenging. For more severe cases, waiting to see a dentist can make a lot of difference in whether you’ll lose your tooth. Therefore, you should understand what qualifies as a dental emergency, the signs and symptoms of a dental emergency, and why you should seek professional emergency dental care. Read on to learn more about these from this post by Dalton Dental.

Understanding What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency

All dental pains don’t qualify as dental emergencies. Some cases can wait, while others need urgent care. You should seek urgent dental care for conditions that require immediate attention to relieve acute pain, protect your oral health, and avoid future problems. Some examples of dental incidents that need urgent dental services include the following:

  • A broken tooth
  • Loose tooth
  • Dental abscess
  • Severe toothache

Conversely, non-urgent dental emergencies are bearable dental concerns that don’t necessarily need immediate dental services. You wait until your schedule frees up or schedule a dental appointment with the dentist during regular office hours. Some of the few incidents that you may consider as non-urgent dental emergencies include the following:

Signs and Symptoms When It’s a Dental Emergency

Many people don’t know which dental condition is severe enough to seek an emergency trip to their dentist. If you’re unsure of when to seek emergency dental services, you should look out for these signs and symptoms:

Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be very painful and needs emergency dental services once it occurs. This condition occurs when a pocket of pus forms in your tooth due to infection. The infection can cause tender lymph, persistent toothache, fever, and tooth sensitivity to hot and cold.

A Chipped or Broken Tooth

Despite being durable, teeth are prone to breaking. This may occur when you bite on something hard or fall while playing physical sports. A minor chip or break may not warrant an urgent trip to the dentist, but you should seek immediate attention if you experience a significant fracture. These fractures expose the inner layer of your teeth, which can become infected and become a severe dental issue. The tooth may also be broken below the gumline, requiring the dentist to remove its root immediately.

Intense Toothache

Experiencing intense toothache and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures may indicate a tooth or root infection that needs immediate care.

Bleeding Gums

It’s normal to experience a little gum bleeding after brushing or flossing. However, if you experience extreme and continuous bleeding coupled with swelling or pain, you should seek dental care immediately. This unexplained bleeding may be a sign of periodontal disease.

Why Professional Help is Important During a Dental Emergency

You may feel compelled to consider home remedies to alleviate some signs and symptoms that require an emergency dental service. However, you should seek professional help to avoid escalating your dental issue and ensure you get the proper attention. Here are some of the reasons why seeking professional help is vital during a dental emergency:

  • It provides immediate pain relief, unlike home remedies that take longer
  • Prevents infections
  • Provide an accurate diagnosis of any underlying issues
  • Access to a variety of treatment options
  • Prevents permanent damage
  • It saves time and money

Emergency Dental Care Near Tampa

The need for emergency dental care is paramount for specific dental concerns. Otherwise, you will put yourself at risk for severe dental issues such as infection or tooth loss. If you are looking for an emergency Dentist in Tampa, FL, Dalton Dental is here to help you. We offer emergency dental services backed by the latest technologies and the most supportive treatment environment. We also have the most flexible staff to help you get fit in immediately. Contact us today for your emergency dental service.

Reasons Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is Worth It


Investing in professional teeth whitening is an absolute must if you want to elevate your smile game and boost your confidence. The office of Dalton Dental in Tampa, FL, offers professional teeth whitening. It’s non-invasive, quick, safe, and can also help you protect your teeth from gum diseases and cavities. Continue reading to learn more about professional teeth whitening and its excellent benefits.

Causes of Teeth Discoloration 

There are two different categories of discoloration: intrinsic (inside the tooth) and extrinsic (outside of the tooth) discoloration. Intrinsic discoloration refers to a discoloration that affects the inner layer of a tooth or the dentin. Even though the dentin lies beneath the enamel, it can darken and discolor the entire tooth.

Extrinsic discoloration is more superficial since only the outer layer of the tooth experiences any discoloration. This kind of discoloration usually occurs on the enamel of your teeth.

Each category of teeth discoloration is caused by different factors. Extrinsic discoloration might result from smoking, poor oral hygiene, and excessive coffee, tea, and red wine drinking. Intrinsic discoloration may result from aging, medication, or even excessive use of fluoride during childhood.

What is Professional Teeth Whitening?

Professional teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure used to make discolored teeth whiter and brighter. It helps remove stains and plaque you cannot remove with regular brushing.

There are two types of professional teeth whitening we offer in our Tampa offices: In-office and at-home teeth whitening. In-office teeth whitening is performed at a dental clinic and is usually completed in one visit.

The at-home teeth whitening kits we offer in the office are of much higher quality than the over-the-counter ones you’d find at your local pharmacy.

Please note that professional teeth whitening is different from the use of commercial or over-the-counter products.

Our professional teeth whitening services are performed by experienced and certified dentists and use high-quality products and high-end technologies.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening 

There are several benefits of teeth whitening. Some of these benefits include the following:

Longer Lasting Results than Commercial Products

You probably have found many teeth-whitening products in your local drug stores and even tried some without success. However, dentist offices have access to more potent whitening agents than what you’d find in store, guaranteeing longer-lasting results.

Brighter, Whiter Teeth

Over-the-counter products may achieve reasonably fair results. Still, they need to meet the quality of results achieved through professional teeth whitening. The whitening agent used in professional teeth whitening is more concentrated, hence its ability to achieve a brighter, whiter smile. Professional teeth whitening also takes an hour on average to achieve excellent results compared to home treatments that require you to apply the gel for weeks regularly.

Potential to Improve Oral Health

Professional teeth whitening can improve your oral health since it involves the removal of plaque between the gum line. This reduces cavities and other gum diseases.

Quicker Teeth Whitening Time

Compared with home remedies, professional teeth whitening can change your smile within an hour. Therefore, you don’t have to wait weeks to see a change in your teeth like over-the-counter remedies.

Professional Whitening Has a Lower Risk of Tooth Sensitivity 

You may experience temporary sensitivity during teeth whitening, but this occurs when the whitening ingredient enters the enamel and breaks down the discoloration. Unlike home remedies that contain high bleaching agent concentration, professional dentists use safe ingredients that cause minimal or no sensitivity. Therefore, fewer bleaching agents will come in contact with your gums and cause irritation.

You Can Customize Your Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening remedies found in stores may cause uneven whitening since they don’t use the same amount of whitening agent as the products used by professional dentists. At our offices in South Tampa, our team starts by matching your shade with what you want to achieve.

We then carefully apply the whitening agent to each tooth until they achieve your desired result.

Professional Teeth Whitening Services in Tampa, FL 

You don’t have to live with stained teeth anymore. You can get your desired smile by visiting a dental clinic, getting a professional teeth whitening service, and coming out confident about your smile.

If you’re in Tampa, FL, or its surroundings, Dalton Dental is here to help you brighten your smile with teeth whitening treatment. We use state-of-the-art technology and the best products to ensure you get your desired results.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation.


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What is a Gum Lift?

Everyone desires to have the perfect smile. This plays a considerable role in how you feel about yourself. However, dental conditions like a gummy smile can affect your smile and confidence. A gummy smile refers to extra gum tissues covering part of your teeth. Fortunately, you can correct this with a cosmetic dentistry surgery known as a gum lift or gum contouring.

If you’re in Tampa, FL, and its surroundings, Dalton Dental can help you feel happier, more comfortable, and more confident about yourself with a gum lift surgery. Keep reading to know more about this procedure and who can benefit from it!

Gum Lift Surgery and Gum Contouring Explained

Gum lift surgery is a cosmetic surgery performed by a dentist to reshape an uneven gum line. The dentist removes excess gum tissue and creates an appearance with more or longer symmetrical teeth. This procedure is also called gum gingivectomy, gum recontouring, or gum sculpting. You may also consider a gum lift as part of crown lengthening and pocket reduction procedures.

Your dentist will perform this procedure in their office while you’re under local anesthetic. It takes one to two hours to complete and is considered safe, with recovery time taking less than a week for minor procedures.

What Does Gum Lift Surgery Entail? 

A gum lift surgery is a three-step process that involves consultation, surgery, and recovery. Here’s a breakdown of these procedures:


Before the gum contouring procedure, Dalton Dental in South Tampa, FL, will schedule an initial consultation to understand your needs and expectations. This may be followed with photographs of your smile to create your treatment plan. Your dentist will also perform a dental exam to rule out any oral health condition, such as gum disease and cavities, that may compromise the surgery.

The dentist will also check the gum-to-tooth ratio to evaluate and determine how much tissue will need to be removed.

Finally, they will also assess your lip position, facial bone, structure, and tooth wear to understand your dental symmetry.

Gum Lift Surgery Process

The gum lift surgery starts with administering a local anesthetic to numb your gums. You may opt for sedation to keep you more comfortable, which will be discussed during your initial consultation. The dentist will then perform the procedure by following these steps:

  • Mark the location for your new gum line using a special pen
  • Remove excess tissues with a handheld laser
  • Depending on your teeth’s anatomy, there may be some bone removal as well
  • Reshape the remaining gum tissues to achieve the uniform look you desire


It’s common for your gum to swell or feel tender immediately after a gum lift surgery. Your dentist may recommend some over-the-counter medications to relieve the pain. You should also avoid spicy and crunchy foods and follow your dentist’s directions on brushing your teeth during healing.

Who is Gum Lift Surgery For? 

A gum lift is usually considered by people with gummy smiles who wish to improve their smile. Gum lift surgery may also be a part of periodontal procedures such as pocket reduction and crown lengthening. Some benefits of a gum lift surgery include the following:

  • It creates an even gum line and a balanced gum and teeth ratio
  • It’s changes are permanent
  • Has a short recovery period
  • It boosts your oral health since it makes it easier to clean your teeth

Gum Lift & Contouring in Tampa, FL 

If you’re unhappy with how your gum line affects your smile, ask us about the possibility of a gum lift surgery. This cosmetic procedure will help you remove the excess gum on your teeth, create the perfect teeth-to-gum ratio, and improve your smile.

At Dalton Dental, we can help you with that dream smile you’ve always wanted. Dr. Hilary Dalton has a wealth of experience in this and other cosmetic dentistry procedures that will help you improve your smile.

Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.


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Oral Cancer Screening: Your Key to Early Detection and Treatment


According to the latest 2023 data from the American Cancer Society, there are upwards of 54,000 new cases of oral (mouth) cancer each year. One in five of these cases proves fatal due to a late diagnosis. Therefore, oral cancer screenings are key to early detection and treatment.

Dentists are uniquely qualified to detect early signs of mouth cancer. Learn about the importance of oral cancer screenings in this article by Dalton Dental. You can also book your oral cancer screening in Tampa by contacting us today.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer, or simply mouth cancer, is a form and the most prevalent of head and neck cancers.

It can affect the lips, jaw, cheek lining, tongue, mouth floor, or mouth roof.

Unfortunately, mouth cancer can look similar to oral problems, for example, white patches or sores. However, the difference is that in the case of cancer, the conditions don’t go away but keep getting worse.

Other warning signs that may indicate the presence of mouth cancer might include chronic bad breath, rough spots in your mouth, or difficulty completing normal mouth functions like chewing, speaking, swallowing, or moving your jaws/tongue. If you ever experience these, schedule an appointment immediately with your dentist or healthcare provider.

Why Oral Cancer Screenings are Important

Mouth cancer screenings help dentists or healthcare providers look for any signs of cancer in or around your mouth. During the oral examination, the physician looks for any abnormalities or lesions in your mouth by:

  • Visually observing the inside and around of your mouth for any abnormal white patches, lesions, or red areas.
  • Touching the tissue in the gums, cheek lining, mouth floor, and roof to feel whether there are any bumps or lumps.
  • A special oral cancer screening dye or light may be used during the procedure. The paint helps the dentist quickly identify lesions since they tend to absorb most of the dye. On the other hand, lighting may be used together with fluorescent mouthwash to help illuminate inconsistent tissue.

The importance of going through an oral cancer examination cannot be stressed enough. This is the best tool in your dentist’s hands to discover any cancerous or precancerous lesions early enough. Studies show that when cancer is detected in its initial stage, treatment efforts are more effective and successful than in late-stage cancer.

How Often Should I Get an Oral Cancer Screening?

It’s universally accepted that bi-annual oral cancer screenings are essential. The good thing is that the screening takes just a few minutes and can happen during your usual dental visit. Besides, no further action is required unless abnormalities are discovered during the screening.

What Happens After Oral Cancer Screening?

Typically, any action is needed only when there is a positive indication of abnormalities. If this is your case, you may be required to undergo additional tests for oral cancer to confirm whether it’s present.

Usually, a follow-up screening is scheduled after a few weeks to determine whether the abnormality is receding, growing, or changing. If this second visit confirms increasing or shifting abnormal lesions, a sample of your cells or tissue (from the affected area) is taken for an oral cancer biopsy. A biopsy is the only method to tell whether someone has cancer.

Oral Cancer Screenings in Tampa, Florida

Opting for oral cancer screenings dramatically increases your chances of an early diagnosis of cancer, significantly increasing the degree of success in treating it and giving you peace of mind.

At Dalton Dental, we’re committed to helping the residents of Tampa, FL, access the best oral health services, including mouth cancer screening.

Schedule your oral cancer screening appointment today by contacting us online or at (813) 872-8300.


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What’s Cosmetic Dentistry: A Guide to Transforming Your Smile


Your smile says a lot about you and plays a significant role in your overall confidence. Suppose you have lately been self-conscious when smiling or laughing, for example, due to a cracked tooth. In that case, cosmetic dentistry services may be the right thing for you.

But what does it entail? How is it different from your usual general dentistry?

In a nutshell, cosmetic dentistry is a branch of broader dentistry that primarily focuses on addressing aesthetic problems within your teeth and gums to improve their appearance and overall smile. Led by experienced, board-certified cosmetic dentist Dr. Dalton, the team at Dalton Dental has been offering quality cosmetic dentistry services in Tampa, FL, for over a decade of time. Learn more from this guide by Dalton Dental.

What are Some Examples of Cosmetic Dentistry?

The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to restore your infectious smile and, ultimately, your confidence. Different procedures may be used to achieve desired results, depending on your specific condition and cosmetic goals. These may include:


Porcelain veneers are thin but strong shells (made from medical-grade ceramic) mainly used to solve a wide range of dental cosmetic flaws, including cracked, decayed, misaligned, discolored, or fragmented teeth. The good part is that they’re custom-made to naturally fit and flawlessly adhere to the appearance of your teeth.

Dental Crowns

Also known as dental caps, dental crowns are fitted similarly to veneers but are used to cover decayed, damaged, or severely discolored teeth. They’re also essential in preventing a weakened tooth from breaking.

Teeth Whitening

Discolored teeth can make you feel less confident in your smile. Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry services that helps patients restore the white, shiny look they once had. If your teeth have lost their beautiful appearance due to foods, drinks, meds, or smoking, a visit or call to a cosmetic dentist is crucial.


Invisalign® presents a big step forward from traditional metal brackets. Invisalign® aligners are virtually transparent and highly effective at solving the problem of misaligned teeth. Their advantages over braces are endless. They are easily removable for eating/brushing/flossing, lowering the risk of developing further oral diseases like cavities, bacterial infections, or gum disease. Besides, they won’t compromise your smile as they are clear aligners.

Gum Rejuvenation Lift and Pinhole Gum Graft

Gum lifting (or gum contouring) removes excess gum tissue to ensure your smile is symmetrical and well-balanced. On the other hand, gum grafting is used to better your smile by filling unpleasant spaces left by receding gum tissue (which sometimes leads to exposed roots and a high risk of gum disease).

Who Can Benefit from Cosmetic Dentistry

If, for whatever reason(s), your smile is less than what you consider perfect, you may be an ideal candidate who can benefit from seeing a cosmetic dentist. For instance, if you have:

  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Decayed tooth
  • Discolored tooth
  • A missing tooth
  • Misshaped teeth
  • Misaligned tooth
  • Gum recession
  • Excess gum
  • Crooked teeth

An American Dental Association surveys show that people with the abovementioned tooth problems may avoid smiling or feel embarrassed about it. If this claim is familiar to you, cosmetic dentistry can benefit you.

Cosmetic Dentistry vs. General Dentistry

By now, we hope you have already figured out that a cosmetic dentist is a professional physician who focuses on enhancing your smile by offering treatments that boost the appearance of your teeth and gums (basically, practicing cosmetic dentistry). On the other hand, general dentistry deals with preventive oral care and treating dental health conditions like tooth cavities, gum diseases, and more.

Dalton Dental Can Help You Achieve Your Dream Smile Today

Dr. Dalton, together with the entire experienced cosmetic dentistry team at Dalton Dental, is committed to helping you achieve the dream smile you have always desired.

Dalton Dental has been practicing cosmetic dentistry in Tampa, FL, since 2011 and has received several recognitions for its exemplary service. To book your appointment for a consultation, contact us today.


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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between Invisalign and Braces


Welcome to the world of smiles and self-confidence! At Dalton Dental, we understand that your smile is a powerful asset, and we’re here to help you shine brighter than ever. Whether you’re an adult in your 30s or 50s or one of the younger generation embracing the beauty of Tampa, we have the perfect solutions for your smile makeover.

If you’ve ever wondered how to achieve a stunning smile without the hassle of traditional metal braces, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’ll explore the unique advantages of Invisalign over conventional braces and help you determine if it’s the perfect fit for you.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment designed to straighten teeth. It’s perfect for those who want to improve their smile without the inconvenience of wires and brackets. Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners that fit comfortably over your teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position.

Invisalign is not just a trend; it’s a revolution in orthodontic care. With its discreet and comfortable clear aligners, Invisalign has become the go-to choice for those seeking to transform their smiles without sacrificing their lifestyle or self-esteem.

Invisalign Over Braces

So, why should you choose Invisalign over traditional braces? Invisalign offers remarkable benefits that make it a superior option:

  • Aesthetics: Invisalign aligners are clear and virtually invisible. Say goodbye to the noticeable metal wires and brackets of old-style braces and enjoy a more discreet orthodontic treatment.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are smooth and comfortable to wear. There are no sharp edges or wires that can irritate your cheeks and gums, making your orthodontic experience pain-free.
  • Convenience: Invisalign is removable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions. You can also brush and floss your teeth with ease, maintaining excellent oral hygiene during treatment.
  • Faster Results: In many cases, Invisalign can deliver quicker results compared to conventional braces. If you’re looking for a swift smile transformation, Invisalign is the way to go.

Invisalign aligners enable you to maintain your self-esteem and professional image while undergoing orthodontic treatment. They’re perfect for adults who want to improve their smile without feeling self-conscious.

Is Invisalign Right for Me?

Now that you’re familiar with the advantages of Invisalign, how do you know if it’s the right choice for you? Some telltale signs that Invisalign could be the perfect fit for your smile makeover are:

  • You want a discreet orthodontic solution that won’t affect your professional image.
  • You desire a comfortable and pain-free orthodontic experience.
  • You’re looking for quicker results in achieving your dream smile.
  • You want the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks.
  • You want to maintain excellent oral hygiene during your orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign, you can continue your regular oral care routine, ensuring your dental health is always at its best.

If this is you, don’t hesitate to contact Dalton Dental. Our team, led by the award-winning Dr. Hilary Dalton, is here to guide you through the process and provide you with the best solution for your unique needs.

Invisalign in Tampa, FL

Dalton Dental is your trusted partner for achieving your dream smile in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Hilary Dalton is an expert in Invisalign as well as a specialist inveneers, gum rejuvenation lifts, pinhole gum grafts, aesthetic crowns, and more. With her extensive experience and accolades in the field, you can trust that your smile is in the hands of a dedicated professional.

When choosing between Invisalign and traditional braces, Invisalign offers a more discreet, comfortable, and convenient option for people of all ages. With Invisalign fromDalton Dental, you can enhance your confidence and achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t wait to make your dream smile a reality;contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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What Are Veneers, and Why Are They Worth It?

Updated: November 11, 2022

Cosmetic Veneers
Cosmetic Veneers

There are many different types of dental work, and it can be confusing to figure out which dental treatments you might need and whether or not they are worth the cost. While you’ll have to evaluate every option carefully with your dentist, many people choose a budget-friendly composite resin veneer. But what is a veneer, and why might you need one? Is it worth the cost?

What Veneers Are

Veneers are coverings for the teeth to give them a uniform and natural but improved appearance. The veneers we offer are high-quality porcelain veneers that will last. Continue reading “What Are Veneers, and Why Are They Worth It?”