
Oral Cancer Screening in Tampa, FL

The American Cancer Society reports that there are about 30,000 cases of oral cancer that are diagnosed each year in the United States. Around 7,000 of these cases prove to be fatal.

Paired with the fact that oral cancer can afflict patients regardless of tobacco use, we understand the importance of screening patients regularly for any potential anomalies in or around their mouths. As with any cancer, early detection is often the key to a quick and successful recovery.

Oral cancer screening involves a comprehensive examination conducted by a qualified dentist. During this examination, the dentist carefully inspects the oral cavity, including the lips, gums, tongue, and the lining of the mouth, to identify any suspicious lesions or abnormalities. These may include discolored patches, ulcers, or unusual growths.

In addition to professional screenings, individuals can proactively monitor their oral health by being vigilant for any changes or symptoms that may indicate a potential problem. These may include persistent mouth sores, difficulty chewing or swallowing, chronic hoarseness, or unexplained bleeding in the mouth.

Contact Dalton Dental today to set up an appointment for your next oral cancer screening.