
Gum Lift: Before and After

Are your teeth really as short as they look? Do you have a gummy smile? Could you benefit from a gum lift?

It could be that part of your enamel is still hiding under the gum giving your teeth an artificially short look. A gum lift procedure is a way to expose more of the tooth to give instantly longer teeth without doing anything to the teeth themselves.

As teeth erupt into their permanent position, the gum pulls back to reveal most of the enamel. As we move into our twenties, the gum recedes a little to fully reveal the entire enamel surface. Sometimes, this doesn’t happen and part of the enamel remains buried under the gum giving the appearance of a gummy smile and short teeth. A gummy smile occurs when more of the gum is showing above the teeth than normal.

These examples show gum rejuvenation lift using laser which is painless with no downtime. The patients were amazed at how much longer their teeth appeared. Learn more with Dalton Dental.

Before and After Gum Lift Pictures

Before After
Before After