

If you’re looking for a way to correct your misaligned teeth, but you’re uncomfortable with the idea of traditional metal braces, Invisalign may be the solution for you. Traditional metal braces are a common corrective dental procedure for children and teens, but many adults find the prospect of having them to be awkward and embarrassing. Invisalign is a removable alternative to metal braces and is designed to be nearly undetectable so as to avoid unwanted attention.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of custom-designed clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. These aligners are removable and designed to be far more comfortable than traditional braces.

What To Expect When You Receive Invisalign

When you decide to receive Invisalign treatment, your dentist will create a 3D model of your mouth using x-rays and digital imaging, which will then be sent to a lab so that your custom-fitted aligners can be fabricated, a process that typically takes three to four weeks.

Once the Invisalign trays have been fabricated, you will return to your dentist’s office to ensure that they fit comfortably. If they do, you will then receive specific instructions on your Invisalign treatment plan.

If you want your teeth straightening treatment to be successful, you generally have to wear your Invisalign trays for around 22 hours a day. The only time you should take them off is when you’re eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, or flossing. If you keep your aligners out for too long, you run the risk of your teeth shifting back into their original position.

It may be tempting to drink with your Invisalign trays in, but it is strongly recommended that you do not do this. Sugary or acidic drinks can get caught inside your aligners and quickly cause tooth decay. Hot drinks can cause the plastic aligners to warp. Lastly, stain-causing drinks can ruin the clear appearance of your trays permanently.

The Invisalign process generally takes about six months to a year to complete, which is significantly quicker than traditional metal braces. When your treatment is complete, you will have to wear a retainer to bed for about 9 to 12 months in order to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original position.

Would Invisalign Work for Me?

Invisalign is a viable solution for most people seeking to straighten their teeth. If you’re interested in receiving Invisalign, reach out to Dalton Dental and speak with one of our experts to see if it’s a suitable treatment option for you.

Schedule an appointment online or call (813) 872-8300 to restore your oral health.